The Blueshirt Group established its presence in Asia in 2015 with the opening of an office in Beijing China that houses The Blueshirt Group Asia. This practice brings Asian clients the same qualities that make Blueshirt the industry’s leading growth-sector investor relations firm: unrivaled expertise, deep industry knowledge, established media relationships and senior level involvement.
Additionally, the Beijing office provides local support for Blueshirt clients from the U.S. and Europe conducting investor-focused business in the region. The Blueshirt Group Asia provides a bilingual staff of local consultants with expertise in U.S. capital markets and continuous service covering both Asian and U.S. market hours. The Blueshirt Group Asia is the natural IR choice for Asian companies in the internet, e-commerce, alternative energy, and other growth sectors that are listed on a U.S. exchange or considering a U.S. IPO.
The Blueshirt Group Asia is led by managing director Gary Dvorchak, CFA, and supported by Ralph Fong in San Francisco, with additional staff in Beijing and New York. Dvorchak brings capital markets expertise gained from 20 years as an institutional portfolio manager as well as experience serving both Asian and U.S. clients as a senior investor relations consultant. Dvorchak also offers clients financial media insight from his role as a contributing writer for a variety of financial sites including, Real Money and Real Money Pro. Dvorchak has special personal ties to China, since his family hosted Chinese President Xi Jinping during his now-famous visit to Iowa in 1985. Fong is a Hong Kong native fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and English, with a deep technical background, MBA, and substantial experience on both the sell-side and buy-side in the US.
For more information on Blueshirt’s capabilities in Asia, please contact Mr. Dvorchak at +86 138 1079 1480 (English), email, or WeChat “dvorchak”.
Blueshirt集团(简称“Blueshirt”)于2015在北京正式设立亚洲办事处,全面拓展亚洲区业务,为亚洲客户带来令Blueshirt成为业界领先成长型投资者关系企业的优质服务, 包括无可匹敌的技术专长、深厚的行业知识、成熟的媒体关系以及深度市场参与。
随着Blueshirt集团亚洲办事处(Blueshirt Group Asia)的正式运营, 北京办公室将为投资亚洲的美国和欧洲客户提供本地支持。Blueshirt集团亚洲办事处拥有精通中英双语、熟悉美国资本市场,并一直服务于亚洲与美国市场的本地顾问。此外,对美国证交所上市的或计划于美国上市的互联网,电子商务,替代能源等成长型的亚洲公司来说, Blueshirt集团亚洲办事处(Blueshirt Group Asia)成为一个自然选择的IR投资者关系公司。
Blueshirt集团亚洲办事处由董事总经理、注册金融分析师Gary Dvorchak领导, 并在旧金山的董事Ralph Fong的积极参与, 以及在北京和纽约的其他工作人员提供本地化支持。20年来,Dvorchak先生一直担任机构投资组合经理,具有高超的资本市场专业技能。此外,作为投资者关系高级顾问,他还拥有服务亚洲与美国客户的丰富经验。Dvorchak一直是、Real Money与Real Money Pro等财经网站的撰稿人,从而为客户提供独到的财经媒体观点。同时,Dvorchak的家庭与中国颇有渊源。中国国家主席习近平年轻时曾以县委书记身份,在1985年访问爱荷华州时留宿在他家中。Fong (方先生)来自香港能操普通话,粤语和英语,有深厚的技术背景, MBA学位,同时在美国证券分析方面拥有丰富的经验。
如欲了解更多有关Blueshirt集团在亚洲的业务与功能, 请联系Dvorchak先生: 电话号码 +86 138 1079 1480,电子邮件,微信“dvorchak”。或者, 请联系方先生: 电话号码 +1 (415) 489-2195, 电子邮件。